Stockholm, Sweden

Kungsholmen Loop

City Hall. Source:

Kungsholmen is a residential island that’s also the location of the colonnaded City Hall (site of the annual Noble Prize ceremony). A favorite among runners is the 9 km loop around the island’s perimeter along a series of waterside paths. The route has it all: great views of the water, the Stockholm skyline, parks, & beach.  The surface is a combination of tarmac and gravel.

Starting from Central Station, head south, with views of Gamla Stan (old town). After passing the City Hall, continue west along the waterfront. Other highlights are a beautiful park Rålambshovsparken and the inner city beach Smedsuddsbadet on the south side of the island, and Hornsbergs Strand on the north side. Most of the run is along the water.

Optional Add-On: Lilla Essingen. This small island is just south of Kungsholmen, and reachable by a bridge at the 3.6 km mark of our route, at the Villa Adolfsberg. There’s a pleasant, 2 km waterside path around the island’s perimeter.

Add-Ons: Explore additional paths in the parks — Fredhällsparke, Rålambshovsparken, & other parks. There’s also a running track just north of the Kristineberg  subway station. Can also cross over and explore Gamla Stan (old town) and combine with our Stockholm ‘Runseeing‘ tour.

  • 9 km (5.6 mile) perimeter loop
  • 77m (255 feet)
  • Central Station
  • Any bus, tram or subway to Central Station

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folkert v Kemenade
4 months ago

Mar 14th 2024. Very scenic route. Can’t loose your way if you keep the water on the right hand (running counterclockwise). Near the E22 overpass/tunnel (south border island) it is a little tricky. It’s easier to run over the highway.

  • 9 km (5.6 mile) perimeter loop
  • 77m (255 feet)
  • Central Station
  • Any bus, tram or subway to Central Station