Only about the size of New Jersey, Israel is a fascinating and dynamic country. As a major historic, religious, cultural, and business center, it’s also a popular spot for leisure and business travel. The spectacular geography and unique sites can make running in Israel a real treat.
Our approach when developing our Israel running guide is to recommend the top routes in some of the major centers and visitor destinations. We have comprehensive coverage of the best places to run in the cities of Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and Haifa, as well as popular spots such as Tiberias and the Sea of Galilee, Nahariya and Acre, the famous Masada/Dead Sea/Ein Gedi area, and the southern resort town of Eilat, where nearby there is also unique running in the Negev desert at Timna National Park.
A couple of notes about running in Israel: be aware of historical sites and cultural sensitivities — ask before you run. Also, many of the main secondary roads are very traffickey and don’t have sidewalks, so use caution. And although Israel’s climate is among its attractions, summers are very hot — dangerously so in the desert.