Favorites in Major Cities/Regions

Top 100 Runs in U.S. Major Cities

This is Great Runs’ admittedly selective selection of the Top 100 Runs in United States Cities, focused on the 50 largest metropolitan areas by population. These are the runs to add to your bucket list!  The list is presented in the approximate order of city size, with some grouping (Bay Area, Southern California and Portland, OR/Vancouver, WA). If you’d like to see our list of best runs for ALL U.S. locations covered by Great Runs, click on our “iconic” keyword, which generally shows our 2-3 “must do” routes in each destination. You can return to the list by clicking the ‘back’ button on your browser.

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2 years ago

A very good list! I’ve done ~15 of these (some long before I discovered Great Runs) and enjoyed every one. I’m looking forward to trying out your France routes soon! I’ve marked our itinerary with links to the great runs I’m considering for each city we will visit.

Mark, Charlotte

2 years ago

Colorado Springs and Boulder have some great spots Surprised Flagstaff Arizona didn’t make the cut